Portland Dry Season Has Begun
By Rod Hill on 2014-07-06
With no rain in sight on the forecast models through July 22nd, it appears Portland's summer dry season kicked-off back on June 30th, after seeing more than 1.25 inches of rain over a 10 day stretch. Natives to our area have long said that summer begins July 5th and the record book backs up the folklore. Historically, Portland's driest weather of the year runs from July 11th - August 18th. The roughly 5 week period averages less than a 20 percent rain chance each day and can go without a single drop of rain!
Here are the records for dry weather for PDX during the summer months:
July: 0.00 inches - 1967 (several years have seen only a trace, including 2013)
August: Trace - 2012 and several other years
September: Trace - 1993
Average combined rainfall over the three months of July, August and September is 2.79 inches. The three month average is less than any single month from October through March!
Forecast outlooks continue to call for above normal temperatures and below normal rainfall this summer. Of course, below normal during the summer months means barely any rainfall at all through August.