Total Lunar Eclipse Wednesday morning
By Rod Hill on 2014-10-07
A forecast for partly to mostly clear skies Tuesday overnight and early Wednesday morning should provide a decent view of this week's total Lunar Eclipse. The full moon will slide through the dark shadow of the Earth and for 58 minutes the only light hitting the moon with be the reddish glow from Earth's sunrises and sunsets. The eclipse will begin at 1:17 a.m. and complete at 5:32 Wednesday morning. Totality will last from 3:27 to 4:25 a.m.
A Lunar Eclipse is safe to watch with the naked eye. Binoculars and telescopes will enhance the view. At the time of totality, no one can predict the exact color to moon will turn, although an orange or reddish color is a good bet.
The public is invited to a viewing party, starting at 1:00 a.m. at Milo Mclver State Park in Estacada. Rose City Astronomers and Oregon Parks and Recreation will have telescopes set up for the free viewing party. OMSI Space Science Director Jim Todd, will be presenting informal talks about the eclipse and the autumn night sky. For more information, please check the OMSI website:
Meteorologist Rod Hill