Frosty Nights Likely Over, The Growing Season Begins
By Rod Hill on 2015-04-16
Beautiful sunshine has returned along with expected 70 degree temperatures into the first of next week. Warmer overnight temps in the 40s are also in the forecast for the next 7 days. After that, the final days of April look wet with west breezes. All of this means Portland's freezing season is likely over and the frost free growing season has begun! Typically, the threat of 32 degree temperatures ends for the entire metro around the 1st of May.
The average final freeze for PDX is March 30th. However out-lying areas such as Hillsboro often experience frosty mornings through May 1st. Record lows of 32 degrees can be found for out-lying areas through mid-May, but are rare and not typical.
All of this means, it is likely safe to put out hanging baskets and plant flower beds with vegetation that will thrive with temperatures no colder than 35-40 degrees at night. Grass seed quickly germinates with most hours holding near and above 50 degrees each day.
If my projection is correct, the final freeze for PDX this spring was back on March 5th and the last hard freeze in the 20s was all the way back on January 2nd when the temperature dropped to 26 degrees!
Happy spring planting!
Meteorologist Rod Hill