Dry May, Wet Start to June Good News
By Rod Hill on 2015-06-02
Clouds over the city and wet days to begin June are both good news, following the 5th driest May in the record book for PDX. Portland picked up .59" of rain last month, just 24 percent of normal for a month that typically sees nearly 2.50 inches. The forecast gives the Rose City a chance to pick up about 1/2 inches of total June rainfall through tomorrow.
Despite a run of cool days last month, the temperature averages ended just shy of 3 degrees above normal, including the 3rd warmest low temp average for the month and the 5th warmest mean temp on record at the airport.
By now, you may have seen this weekend's 7day forecast calling for the first 90 degree heat of the year. To date, Portland's warmest temperature of 2015 has been 85 degrees. Extended forecast models show temps cooling off next week and a stretch of below normal weather toward the middle of the month. Nothing unusual about seeing 90 degree weather in June. This forecaster still believes we have a chance to see a comfortable summer with near average 90 degree temperature days of a dozen or so.
Fire season has begun and daily fire weather briefings are now taking place. The numerous lighting strikes of the past days have been accompanied by heavy, soaking rainfall, which of course is good news. So called dry lightning will be our worst fear this summer as temperature averages warm and a typical dry northwest summer kicks in.
(Live camera image of Portland, courtesty of KGW TV)
Meteorologist Rod Hill