North West Radar Map

"Super" Moon & Lunar Eclipse

By Rod Hill on 2015-09-27

I expect clear skies for Sunday evening's full, "SUPER" moon and total Lunar Eclipse.  The so-called Harvest Moon will be the closet full moon to earth of 2015, making it a "SUPER" moon.  At the satellite's closet point, the moon will be 221,753 miles from Earth.  The close proximetry will make the moon appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than a typical full moon.  Look for the moon rise in the eastern sky at 6:55 pm.  

The added bonus Sunday night will be a total Lunar Eclipse.  Between 7:11 and 8:21 pm, the moon will be completely in the dark shadow of the Earth.  The moon will likely have a reddish glow, as light from Earth's sunrise and sunsets illuminate the moon.  Lunar Eclipses are safe to view.  In fact a standard pair of binoculars will enhance viewing. 

Rod Hill, with special thanks to Jim Todd, OMSI Director of Space Science Education.