North West Radar Map

Spring Outlook 2018

By Rod Hill on 2018-03-20

Spring begins with sunshine and 60 degree temperatures for the Rose City, but quickly turns wet and chilly with snow levels near 1,500 feet Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 

Despite the bumpy start, the Spring Outlook for the months of April, May and June looks promising for pleasant weather. Look for temperatures to average near normal to slightly below.  The bigger headline is the continuation of a below normal rainfall pattern.  Keep in mind, that normal spring precipitation for Portland is actually very pleasant with 2 out of 3 days typically being dry. 

You may recall March and April of 2017 dumped soaking rains that equaled nearly a foot of water.  The surplus moisture of more than 5.00" soaked the ground into mid-May.  If the outlook is correct, this spring of 2018 will see plenty of dry days to mow the lawn and enjoy the beauty of the Northwest. 

Meteorologist Rod Hill