Monday Update / Discussion - Winter Weather This Week
By Rod Hill on 2020-01-13
Colder air is on track to arrive Monday evening as all showers will turn to snow. Overnight windswill remain from the west, which may hold ground temps in Portland at 32 degrees or slightlywarmer. However, freezing temps for much of the valley is a good bet and dustings of snowto 2” on the ground at sea level will be a possibility by early Tuesday morning.Precipitation Monday night and Tuesday will be scattered, meaning snow accumulations will alsobe scattered. During the day Tuesday, winds remain from the west and daytime temps will warm intothe upper 30s.COLD EAST WINDS WILL START TO BLOW EARLY WEDNESDAY MORNING, LOCKING PORTLANDAND MUCH OF THE VALLEY BELOW FREEZING .Look for Wednesday snow flurries with east gusts to 45 mph near the gorge. Snow will pick up Wednesdaylate afternoon or evening and accumulations of 6” or more through Thursday morning are a good bet at thistime.During the day Thursday, as a big low approaches, wind fields from the south may develop, producing warmingfor parts of the valley and a transition to rain, while near gorge locations continue to see east winds and snowor ice. Complete warming and the “shut off” of gorge east winds is an unknown, but may occur Friday orSaturday.Rod Hill