Clear Skies To See 5 Planets
By Rod Hill on 2022-06-21
You may have noticed a bright planet in the sky next to the moon this morning. Skies should be clear Friday morning to see the show detailed below. Happy star gazing!
Five visible planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, will be aligned and visible at dawn throughout June. In addition, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are among the planets in the morning, but very faint which requires a good detailed map and large telescope to view.
It is not terribly rare for the visible planets to be lined up, but it is rare to see them all at the same time. The best news is, viewers would not have to wait all night to spot them all. These planets were last lined up in sequential order in 2004, and it is set to happen again in 2040. It is rare enough that we get the opportunity with clear sky to step outside before sunrise and check it out.
During the week of June 6 around 5:00 a.m., diagram A shows the order of the visible planets before sunrise (5:30 a.m.). The planet Venus (-4 mag) will be the brightest, then Jupiter (-2 mag), Saturn (+0.7 mag) and Mars (+0.6 mag). The challenge will be locating Mercury (+1.3 mag), barely visible low above the horizon. In Diagram B, Uranus (+5.8 mag), Neptune (+7.9 mag) and Pluto (+14 mag) will not be visible in bright twilight before dawn. Technically, there are eight planets in the sky before sunrise!
On June 24, diagram C includes the waning crescent moon will swing by the morning planets. Mercury will be at the highest altitude of 11 degrees ENE. This will be the best opportunity to view the five visible planets.
The planet extravaganza will continue through early July. Enjoy the show!! (information courtesy Jim Todd - OMSI)