By Rod Hill on 2011-03-19
Two headlines will highlight this weekend:
1. Spring Begins - The Vernal Equinox, Sunday March 20, 4:21 p.m. PDT
The north and south pole will be equal distances towards the sun (92.6 million miles away). The sun will rise due east and set due west. As we head toward summer, the sun will rise and set farther to the north.
2. Full Moon Saturday - nick named the "Supermoon". The moon will reach it's closest point to earth in 18 years, at a distance of 221,567 miles. The close location will make the moon appear 14% larger than normal. We will need a little luck to see the show! Moonrise Saturday: 7:57 pm / Sunday: 9:19 pm
Seismologists according to a report I read, have found no evidence connecting lunar perigees to heightened seismic activity.
Have a great weekend and happy spring - let's hope it is a good one!