By Rod Hill on 2011-06-01
Both the Columbia & Willamette rivers continue to be near 17 feet. Forecasters believe the Columbia will remain below 18' into next week and hold nearly steady. The Vancouver flood stage is 16 feet.
Flood stage at downtown Portland is 18 feet. The Willamette is also expected to hold steady into next week. The downtown sea wall is 30 feet high. There are no indications that the river will reach above the 18 feet flood stage. KGW has reported that at least one fleet week ship has been changed to a ship more able to dock along the high water. At this time, fleet week is expected to go off without a hitch, but again ship types may have to be altered due to the high river level.
It should be noted, that an expected warmup this weekend and next week has been factored into current river level projections.