By Rod Hill on 2011-08-21
Portland's high of 96 degrees Saturday was not only the first 90 degree day of 2011, but also a record high for the date. The old record was 95 degrees, back in 1986.
Here is the list of the latest in a year to reach 90 degrees for the first time:
1. 1954 - no 90s all year.
2. 1957 - Sept. 13th
3. 2011 - Aug. 20th
There is plenty of time for more 90 degree days. The latest in the season PDX has reached 90 degrees is Oct. 5th, back in 1980. The average date for the 1st 90 degree temperature in Portland is June 30th.
Other notable temperatures Saturday was 82 degrees at Astoria. Not a record, but the warmest of the year to date.