By Rod Hill on 2011-10-08
Just for fun & interest, here is a brief comparison of the summer months of July - September, last year verses 2011. I decided not to include June, because June of 2010 was so chilly and record wet, it would have blown the doors off of any comparison!
High temperature average, July - Sept. 2010: 77 degrees / Mean temperature: 66.7 degrees
High temperature average, July - Sept. 2011: 79 degrees / Mean temperature: 68.0 degrees
Rainfall July - Sept. 2010: 4.18" (3.36" Sept.)
Rainfall July - Sept. 2011: 1.76" (wet July, dry Aug. & Sept.)
Mostly sunny to clear days, July - Sept. 2010: 42 days
Mostly sunny to clear days, July - Sept. 2011: 47 days
The above shows the heart of the summer was warmer by 1-2 degrees in 2011. This past summer was much drier despite a wet July. This past summer saw 5 more sunny days than a year ago. So, nearly an extra week of sunshine, less than half the amount of rain and 1-2 degrees warmer. After a slow start, summer of 2011 was a success!