Precipitation Rainfall & Day Trends, Last 5 Years

By Rod Hill on 2011-12-06

Our dry start to the month of December, although not unusual, got me to thinking about which has been more wet the last 5 seasons, winter or spring? 

I grouped the data two sets:  November - February and March through June.

Nov. - Feb. total precipitation 2006 - 2010:     Average  19.19" (normal 20.57")

March - June total precipitation 2007 - 2011:  Average  11.50" (normal 10.32")

Conclusion:  The winter months are much wetter, but slightly below normal, while the spring months have seen above normal precipitation.


Here is where it gets interesting.  Take a look at the number of days with .01" of precipitation or more over the past three seasons:

Nov. - Feb. wet days 2008 - 2010:     Average 71 days (normal 70 days)

March - June wet days 2009 - 2011:  Average 71 days (normal 54 days)

Conclusion:  Wow!  The average number of wet days are the same!   Although the winter months in terms of climatology, average more than two additional weeks of wet weather.


I began this little project because, lately it seems our winter months have not been all that wet, but our spring months have been all out soakers!   The data above suggests a recent trend of drier winters and wetter springs when compared to 30 year averages.

To me, it is AMAZING that over the past three years, we have seen the same number of rainy days in spring as winter!  No wonder the past spring seasons have seemed a little ridiculous!


Please realize, I looked at a very small data set.  To make any assumptions or lasting conclusions based on 3-5 years of weather records would be foolish.  However, the above findings are interesting.  I will be watching for similar trends this winter & spring. 

Rod Hill