By Rod Hill on 2012-04-01
Final March 2012 PDX precipitation was 7.89". This total becomes the all-time March record for PDX. (Records began in 1941.) The old record was 7.52" back in 1957. The all-time record for all Portland locations, dating back to 1871 is 12.76", which fell in the year 1873. I have received several reports of more than 10.00" of rain this month from the Canby, Oregon City and Damascus areas. This month has seen 22 days with measurable rainfall. Last March of 2011 holds the record of consecutive wet March days at 23 & March days with rainfall at 28 days. The 2011 rainfall of 6.43" stands in 6th place all-time for PDX. Normal March rainfall is 3.68 inches.
Forecast charts are hinting at closer to normal rainfall for the months of April, May and June with below normal temperatures. I reported on KGW last week, that beginning in April, we would see close to normal precipitation. If our weather turns out to be "normal" in April, it would seem very, very dry! The April average is 2.73". Lets pray for normal.
Rod Hill