Peak Meteor Viewing Tonight

By Rod Hill on 2012-08-12

Peak viewing of the Perseid Meteor shower tonight around 9:00 pm.  Dark areas in the country could see 40-60 meteors per hour.  Visibility near the city lights will be closer to 10-20 at most.  The meteors, often the size of a grain of sand produce amazing light as they enter the earth's atmosphere.  The shower is produced as the earth enters the path of debris left by the comet Swift-Tuttle.

OMSI and the Rose City Astronomer club will hosts viewing parties tonight, starting at 8:00 pm at Rooster Rock state park in the gorge and Stub Stewart Park in the Coast Range.  Parking is $5 per vehicle. Telescopes will be set up free of charge for you to enjoy!

Skies will be clear tonight with a crescent moon.  Sunset in Portland will be 8:22 p.m.