June - August Forecast Is Correct

By Rod Hill on 2013-09-03

Although the Autumnal Equinox will not turn the calender to fall until September 22nd, what is considered meteorological summer ended August 31st.  The summer forecast for June, July and August turned out to be correct!  Last spring, I told you to expect a nice summer with drier than normal weather and no long stretches of extreme heat.  In fact, my prediction of less than normal 90 degree days is also true so far!

Here is the summer report card for June - August:

Average high temperature:  80 degrees - one degree above normal

Average low temperature:  58 degrees - one degree above normal

Rainfall:  2.13 inches - below normal by .89 inches

Thunderstorms in the metro area:  3 days (not counting last night)

Number of 90 degree days:  8 (normal through October is 13 days)

Hottest temperature:  97 degrees, June 30th


High humidity as been the story of our summer weather.  The average relative humidity for August was 63 percent, compared to 58 percent back in August of 2012.  The humid air has been brought by several long stretches of a southwest flow pattern aloft with a weak low pressure trough over the area, centered offshore.