By Rod Hill on 2014-02-06
Arctic are will slowly arrive Tuesday and bring gusty east winds with cold air through Saturday & possibly Sunday. Coldest low temperatures will be near 10 degrees in out-lying areas Thursday and Friday mornings. East winds gusting to 50 mph near the gorge and 12-30 throughout the valley will produce bitterly cold wind chills in the teens each afternoon. Stay updated to the possibility of a metro snow storm this coming Saturday. The forecast may change, but current forecast models show a large area of Pacific moisture arriving Saturday with inland temperatures likely below freezing. This has the potential to be a 6" or higher Portland metro snow event with the snow level near sea level. Salem may see south winds warm the temperature and bring rain, while gorge winds keep Portland in the snow zone.
Sunday's warming is uncertain. Best case will see warming temps and a rain transition during the day. However, it is possible that areas near the gorge will see below freezing temperatures continue Sunday with an icy mix. All areas will see rain by Tuesday at the latest with temperatures in the 40s.