Summer USA Temperatures
By Rod Hill on 2009-09-15
Here is the summer temperature report for the United States - courtesy of NOAA
For the 2009 summer, the average temperature of 71.7 degrees F was 0.4 degree F below the 20th Century average. The 2008 average summer temperature was 72.7 degrees F.
A recurring upper level trough held the June-August temperatures down in the central states, where Michigan experienced its fifth, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota their seventh, Nebraska its eighth, and Iowa its ninth coolest summer. By contrast, Florida had its fourth warmest summer, while Washington and Texas experienced their eighth and ninth warmest, respectively.
The Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota region experienced its sixth coolest summer on record. Only the Northwest averaged above normal temperatures
Interesting to note that the warmest states in terms of departure from normal were Florida, Texas and Washington. My parents live in Missouri and like I always tell them, "if you are cold, the Northwest is almost always warm."
To date PDX has recorded 23 days of 90 degrees or hotter. The number 23 is tied with 1987 for the most in one year.