By Rod Hill on 2010-02-08
The big weather story this coming week is the promise of rain most hours Thursday and Friday, potential high winds at the coast through the stretch and a foot of snow or more in the Cascades. Just what the doctor ordered! The snowpack on Mt. Hood was measured at 67% of normal back in January. Lots has been made of our horrible snowpack this winter. But you know what, the snow totals really are not that bad above 5,000 feet. Timberline resort has had 275" of total snow this season. The resort base is currently at 99". Mt. Hood Meadows reports an 87" base and Bachelor reports 88 inches. The lower elevations are on the lean side. Skibowl reports a base of 35 inches. Snowpack measurements are taken through the end of April. March can be a big mountain snow month.