By Rod Hill on 2010-05-26
This is our first wet spring since 2005. Early National Weather Service outlooks calling for a warm and normal to dry spring were WRONG! Computer models into June are showing signs of a wet pattern continuing into next month. Here is what is interesting: 2005 was very similar to this year. A dry winter was followed by a wet spring that lingered through much of June. August of 2005 saw a couple of heavy shower events and a cool, wet fall began late September and carried through October. Here is the interesting part, 2005 began dry and then had enough spring and early fall rain to finish the water year above normal! In fact, 2005 is one of only two water years that have been normal to above over the past 10 years. Our current water year deficit is about 2.00 inches. The deficit was over 5.00" at times during the winter months. I leave you with the increasing odds of wet and cooler than normal weather continuing into much of June.
Keep your chin up and enjoy the beauty of the great Northwest!