By Rod Hill on 2011-08-02
July 2011 at PDX goes into the record book as a little cool and a little wet.
Average high: 76.9 degrees / below normal by 2.4 degrees
Average low: 56.5 degrees / below normal by 0.4 degrees
Mean temperature: 66.7 degrees / below normal by 1.4 degrees
Total rainfall: .96" / above normal by .24"
7 days had measurable rainfall. Average is 4 days.
The sky condition report might surprise you:
Clear days: 12 / average is 12!
Partly cloudy days: 9 / average is 8
Cloudy days: 10 / average is 11
The above suggest that we have become spoiled by a number of sunny, dry July's prior to last year.
The sky averages for August: 12 clear days, 9 partly cloudy, 10 cloudy days. Normal rainfall: .93"
At this time, forecast charts show mostly sunny, warm days with highs 80-84 degrees through the first 20 days of August. Enjoy!