Below are my thoughts enclosed in an email I sent to a viewer that wanted my opinion on the subject.
Here are my brief thoughts on global warming:
1. Is the planet in a warm cycle - yes
Just because we are currently off of the peaks of a few years back, does not mean the warm cycle is over. Overall, the global temperatures remain consistently above climate normal's. Ice loss is still a concern.
2. Do we know if humans played a role in our recent temperature spike?? No we do not and any speculation is just that - speculation.
3. Has climate always changed and moved into varying cycles? Yes! In fact the next ice age is some 6,000 or 16,000 years away. (I forget which?)
4. Do scientist overwhelming believe that warming temperatures lead to stronger storms and climate change from fresh water glacial melt into the world's oceans? Yes!
Fresh water runoff into the oceans, alters the salinity and therefore the flow of currents which leads to a change of the air flows aloft in the atmosphere.
5. Do we know if CO2 emissions are leading to warming? No.
Do we know if C02 in the atmosphere is currently well above expected levels?? Yes
Do we know if humans are emitting tons of C02 into the atmosphere? Yes we are.
6. Does it make sense to be a good custodian of our planet and atmosphere?? Yes
Based on the above, why wouldn't we want to limit pollution into the atmosphere?? I would support going green - Yes
Just like I support not throwing a soda can out of my car window.
In conclusion, if we are undergoing climate change, what a spectacular time to live and witness. Of course, our latest warm spike could just be a 30 year natural cycle that will soon change. Does anyone know ?? No / Lets say we in the beginning of long term climate change, could the trend be natural? Of course.
At the end of the day, we are just stupid humans who are not as good at pre-telling earthquakes as animals.
Rod Hill