Despite the complaints, Portland's June is on it's way to being the first below normal precipitation month since January. In fact, this June as of today has received only 48% of normal rainfall. To date, PDX has picked up .63", normal rainfall to date would be 1.31" Six days have had measurable rainfall, nine is average for the entire month.
The mean temperature average to date is just .3 degrees below normal. If the forecast holds true through the 30th, PDX will likely finish the month within 1/2 degree of what is considered normal. It is certainly true, we have not had much in the way of warm days. June averages one 90 degree day, we likely will have zero. We have had two 80 degree days, 86 and 83. Even the cool, wet June of 2010 hit 80 4 times!
Here is the data on sunny and cloudy days that many have requested:
CLOUDY DAYS: So far this June 13 / Normal for the entire month is 16
PARTLY CLOUDY: So far 6 / Normal 8
SUNNY DAYS: So far 4 / Normal 6
As you can see, June 2011 is right there - pretty normal.
So, if you put it all together, this has been a pretty nice June in the eyes of climate. Remember La Nina was declared dead back on June 1st. Right on cue, our stretch of wet weather ended and temperatures, although not warm, have been close to normal. I still expect a nice July & August with mostly dry weather and a nice stretch of comfortable days in the 70s and 80s with around ten 90 degree days sprinkled in.
Remember this is the Northwest - it's not suppose to be sunny and warm every day, at least not until July 5h!